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Copper Tongue scrapper


Ayurvedic self-care and also a great way to check in with your body each morning. Notice the color of the coating as well as the quantity. The amount can be a good indication as to whether or not your body was able to digest the food you consumed the previous day.
Overnight, as the body processes everything that was ingested that day, toxins (called ama in Ayuveda) begin to form, and are visible as a coating on the tongue.
According to Ayurveda, these toxins cause obstructions in respiration, as well as foul-smelling breath. The coating they produce can interfere with our ability to taste, clouding this sense organ and even creating unhealthy cravings.
Ayurveda considers the tongue a road map of the entire body, with each section corresponding to a different organ. When we scrape the tongue, it’s like giving our internal organs a gentle massage.
Tongue scraping helps eliminate bad breath, prevents cavities, improves internal organ function, and aids digestion. Adding this practice to your daily oral care regimen is a simple, powerful way to improve your sense of taste and monitor your internal health. (Traditionally this practice is done with copper for its powerful antiseptic effects .